Well another layout that was done in a bit of a rush, we were away all last week for a getaway in the Lakes district and then when I've come home my printers run out of ink, luckily I found this photo which I had meant to scrap ages ago but never got around to it. This weeks sketch can be found here....
I love these papers from My Minds Eye!! Great colours for a male layout.
I just cant shake the feeling that my layout looks a little incomplete though, just feels a little dull to me and I've drawn a bit of a blank as to what else to do on it....any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!! Or do I stick to a 'less is more' approach.....maybe its just cause my last layout was full of glitter and bling and really girly....really difficult doing frills and flowers on a male layout without it looking prissy :o)
Hi Monica: I really like your sketch just as it is. I honestly don't think it's missing anything. It's great! And I really like your photo. :-)