Friday, 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding

Oh could she be anymore beautiful!!!!! I've had a good cry watching this wedding, gorgeous service....don't you love a good wedding!!!!

Kate Middleton arrives at the Abbey


Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Twisted Sketch #098!!

Another fortnight gone already and my turn again to produce a layout for twisted sketches. I'd been looking forward to this sketch and had some lovely new papers from 'My Minds Eye' Stella and Rose Collection to play with. I'll definitely be buying some more from that collection, they're just gorgeous!

Check out the Twisted sketch here...

Here's my interpretation of the sketch, the photos were taken on a jetty at lake Conniston in the Lakes District, where we did our Body Balance stretches. it was a glorious sunny morning and felt adapt to be doing "Sun Salutations" :o)

Make sure you go to the website and have a look at what some of the other girls from the design team are producing, their layouts are amazing!


Friday, 22 April 2011

Happy Good Friday!!!

Isn't Easter a lovely time of year! Especially when we have weather as gorgeous as it has been this year!!

And so today is Good Friday and traditionally its the day we tuck into hot cross buns. Theres loads of varieties in the stores to pick from but you just can't beat freshly home-made hot cross buns. I've been baking most of today, and baking myself in the sun in between dough rises :o)

This batch is glazed and ready to go, I bake a large batch every year to distribute to my neighbours in our lovely little village.

Always interesting seeing a grown man cry as all these buns walk out the door and not into his belly!!!! My poor Kenny.....;o)

On a more traditonal note....they may be delightfully yummy, but take a moment to remember what the cross on the bun represents, and in our household as I was raised a good little Latino girl .....there will be fish for supper...ok it'll probably be Fish Pie but its still fish!!

Have a blessed and safe Easter Weekend everyone! xxx
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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

More Holiday Videos

And heres the best video, saved for last....and man and his dog, finally Kenny gets his 'water' dog :o)


Our Holidays!

Well we've been back for a couple of weeks now but been soooo busy I've only just motivated myself to post about our week away! Kenny hired a 6 berth campervan so we could take our boy away comfortably and after deciding we didnt have enough time to head to Ireland we decided to head up to the Lakes district instead.

We had reasonable weather at Lake Windemere ....


Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Twisted Sketch #096!!

Well another layout that was done in a bit of a rush, we were away all last week for a getaway in the Lakes district and then when I've come home my printers run out of ink, luckily I found this photo which I had meant to scrap ages ago but never got around to it. This weeks sketch can be found here....

I love these papers from My Minds Eye!! Great colours for a male layout.

 I just cant shake the feeling that my layout looks a little incomplete though, just feels a little dull to me and I've drawn a bit of a blank as to what else to do on it....any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!! Or do I stick to a 'less is more' approach.....maybe its just cause my last layout was full of glitter and bling and really girly....really difficult doing frills and flowers on a male layout without it looking prissy :o)
