Thursday, 2 June 2011

Iceland - Grimsvotn Volcano!!

What an incredible last day!!! We headed over to the glaciers on the other side of Reykjavik to do some serious driver training....and crikey that was fun. Started off driving ever so carefully, really worried about damaging these incredibly expensive trucks...then after being yelled at profusely by Gisli I began to realise how indestructible these trucks practically are!

We spent most of the day burning around learning how to get 'unstuck' in the snow. How to drive safely over minor crevasses, most importantly though I guess what NOT to do!!

After a days training and seeing as we were in the area we decided to head up to the active volcano to say g'day!! it'd be rude not considering we were in the area!

small step for woman kind
big step for scrapping layout!!! 

We stopped off numerous times to have a look at the ground, couldn't see too far ahead of us as the higher we got the thicker the fog.....a very strange atmosphere! It was quite exciting seeing the changes to the glacier the closer we got to the volcano. You need to remember, we're ON A GLACIER that is usually completely WHITE!!! All that black muddy stuff you see is actually ash!!!

The amazing thing was you could dig into the ground and feel how warm it was! Really bizarre!

Emil showing us
where not to stand!
The closer we got to the crater the more crevasses appeared we even found these gorgeous ice caverns, the fun bit was crossing over the ice bridge to get to the other side!!

Luckily there were no trolls hiding underneath and we managed to pass safely.

We got to the top and kept walking out, probably a lot further than we should of , but it seemed like a good idea at the time ;o)

We crossed larger crevasses still and then we spotted her!! The top!

The frozen lake completely blasted away and there still bubbling away in the middle is the top of the volcano, seems small and insignificant in this photo but it really was massive, and just mind blowing to think that the hole above it was completely frozen and level with the rest of the top!!

Managed to grab a quick photo of me before we legged it....we heard ice crashing down underneath us so figured it was time to move!! Love my big puffer jacket, had to borrow it of one of the guys as it was FREEZING up there!

Spent the night in this little geologists hut at the bottom of the glacier, it even had a matching toilet!!

So ..... had an absolutely thrilling week, full of all sorts of emotions. Pretty knackered when I got home, had a nice hot shower and was brushing my hair in the mirror when I think I caught a glimpse of a woman I used to know; strong, active, confident. Maybe she's still there after all??!! Will have to make the time to get to know her again J



  1. FAB photos!! Looks amazing . So glad you had a good time :D

  2. What an experience. Great photos.

  3. What a fabulous experience!I'd love to get that opportunity.The photos are brilliant!

  4. So interesting to hear about Iceland, and I love the footprints and the matching huts :)

  5. wow, what an amazing experience, great photos, can't wait to see the pages you make.
